O ser humano é uma máquina que nasce perfeita e morre estragada. Uma máquina que conjuga não só o físico (o material) mas como também energia. Energia essa que contém a nossa imaginação, os nossos sentimentos e tudo aquilo que nos faz ser tão diferentes uns dos outros e tão diferentes dos animais.
Todos somos feitos do mesmo: carne e osso juntos e misturados para fazer uma grande peça de um mundo que é este em que vivemos hoje. Mas o ser humano é dotado de uma diferença: no fundo de nós, todos temos corações que nos passeiam pela vida mostrando-nos, através de sensações, tudo aquilo que nos espera mais à frente. No início todos são molinhos, inocentes, virgens e inexplorados mas, ao longo do tempo, ganham resistência à dor e por vezes à alegria. Por mais diferenças que tenhamos, no fim da vida, todos acabamos com corações iguais. Corações duros que nem pedra, corações duros de roer.
Este texto é sobre algo confuso, algo profundo e infindável que começa no canto mais profundo do nosso coração e que acaba à nossa volta, chegando a todas as curvas do mundo e transmitindo-se com o criar de um sorriso nos lábios, com um brilhar de pares de olhos molhados de esperança e com abraços apertados e beijos de carinho que se dão como mãe. Trata-se de um sentimento com nome próprio forte e infindável, que faz mover corações e que nos torna nos nómadas que somos, movendo-nos de um lado para o outro quando é forte o suficiente para o guardarmos em partes diferentes do mundo que não a nossa casa.
"Amor": é algo que se pode ter entre amigos, namorados, irmãos, pais e filhos. Mas hoje falo de um amor meu, especial e que me é querido desde sempre.
Quando te conheci eras apenas uma cara enorme e gigante no meio de um monte de objectos estranhos que nunca havia visto no quarto escuro a que estava habituado. Tinhas um sorriso enorme e curioso, que atraía a minha atenção, dobrado nos lábios. Um sorriso que queria imitar mas, como não sabia como, era alvo de toque das minhas mãozinhas vivaças de maneira a que pudesse descobrir como é que seria que algo tão bonito se fazia. Depois vinham os teus olhos, de um castanho resfriado de verde e com toda a felicidade que podias ter, espalhada pelas raízes dos olhos a que hoje dou o nome de"íris". Para além disso havia algo preto e brilhate, também curioso e que esticava e encolhia ao mínimo puxão dos meus pequenos dedos.
Com os anos, a primeira cara que vi na vida acabou por tornar-se a mais bonita de todas. Tornou-se num abrigo, numa solução para todos os problemas que ainda não sabia resolver e ganhou o nome de mãe. Para mim esse sempre foi o teu nome: olhava para as outras crianças que usavam mamã ou para adolescentes que usavam nomes de verdade mas eu fixava-te, sorria por dentro, mesmo quando te chateavas e, de repente, soltava lá bem do fundo, vindo desde o meu primeiro abrir de olhos, um baixo "Ó mãee!".
Hoje em dia dás-me na cabeça, ralhas comigo quando preciso, chamas-me atenção para que não perca o rumo àquilo que sempre me ensinaste, abraças-me forte quando preciso e confortas-me o mundo que por vezes se torna cruel. Sei que coras de orgulho por mais asneiras que faça, sei que és feliz por sermos eu e mais dois os filhos que tens e hoje escrevo este texto por um motivo muito especial: sei que vais acordar de manhã e vasculhar o "Facebook" à procura de mais um texto e quero que saibas que, mesmo que chores depois de ler tudo, quero que tenhas um dos dias mais felizes da tua vida e que, pelo menos para quatro pessoas neste mundo, vais sempre ser a mais bonita de todas!
Beijinhos mãe!
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The human being is a machine that is born perfect and dies broken. A machine that gathers not only physical, but also energy. Energy that contains our imagination, our feelings and everything that makes us so different from everyone else and different from the other animals.
We're all made of the same: flesh and bones mixed and gathered to make a big piece that is part of this world we live in. But the human being is gifted with a difference: deep down inside of us we all have hearts that walk us through life showing us, through sensations, everything that awaits us ahead. In the beginning they are tender, innocent, virgin and unexplored, but with time they learn to endure pain and sometimes even joy. In the end, even with all our differences, all our hearts are the same. Hearts as hard as stones. Tough harts to crack.
This text is about something confuse, something deep and infinite that starts in the deepest corner of our hearts and reaches all curves of the world and passing around with the making of a smile in our lips, the glitter of pairs of eyes wet in hope and tight hugs and caress kisses that are given by mothers. It is a feeling with it's own strong and "endless" name that moves hearts and makes us the nomads we are, going from one place to another when it is strong enough for us to keep it even when in places that are not home.
"Love": it is something that can exist between friends, couples, brothers and parents and children. But today i come to you about a special love of mine that has been always dear to me.
When I met you, you were but a big, giant face in between a lot of objects that I had never seen in the dark room that I was used to. You had this big,curious smile folded in your lips that attracted all my attention. A smile that I used to want to copy but, as I didn't know how to, was made a target for my little, slick hands to touch in order for me to figure out how was it that something so beautiful was made. After your lips, I could see your brown eyes cooled with green, containing all the happiness you could ever have, spread through the roots of your eyes, which today I call "iris". Apart from that, there was this shiny, black thing that stretched and shrunk with even the slightest touch of my little fingers.
With time, the first face I ever saw in my life, became also the most beautiful one. It became a shelter and a solution for all the problems i didn't know how to solve yet, and I was taught to call it "mother" ( or "mum"). And to me, that was always your name: I used to hear all the other children call "mumy" or some teenagers call theirs by their real name, but i looked at you, smiled on the inside, even when you were mad, and suddenly I would release, from my deepest depths of myself, coming from my first blink, a low "Muuuuum!".
Nowadays you nag me, you draw my attention so I don't get drawn away from what you have always taught me, you give me strong hugs when i need them and comfort me in this world that becomes unbearable, sometimes. I know that, even if I mess up, you will always blush with pride, I know that you are happy to have me, my brother and my sister and today I write this text for you, for a special reason: I know that when you wake up in the morning you are going to look all around the "Facebook" for another text and I want you to know that, even if you cry after reading all of this, I want you to have one of the happiest days of your life and that you're always going to be the most beautiful person in the world, at least to four people in the world!
Kisses, Mum!
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The human being is a machine that is born perfect and dies broken. A machine that gathers not only physical, but also energy. Energy that contains our imagination, our feelings and everything that makes us so different from everyone else and different from the other animals.
We're all made of the same: flesh and bones mixed and gathered to make a big piece that is part of this world we live in. But the human being is gifted with a difference: deep down inside of us we all have hearts that walk us through life showing us, through sensations, everything that awaits us ahead. In the beginning they are tender, innocent, virgin and unexplored, but with time they learn to endure pain and sometimes even joy. In the end, even with all our differences, all our hearts are the same. Hearts as hard as stones. Tough harts to crack.
This text is about something confuse, something deep and infinite that starts in the deepest corner of our hearts and reaches all curves of the world and passing around with the making of a smile in our lips, the glitter of pairs of eyes wet in hope and tight hugs and caress kisses that are given by mothers. It is a feeling with it's own strong and "endless" name that moves hearts and makes us the nomads we are, going from one place to another when it is strong enough for us to keep it even when in places that are not home.
"Love": it is something that can exist between friends, couples, brothers and parents and children. But today i come to you about a special love of mine that has been always dear to me.
When I met you, you were but a big, giant face in between a lot of objects that I had never seen in the dark room that I was used to. You had this big,curious smile folded in your lips that attracted all my attention. A smile that I used to want to copy but, as I didn't know how to, was made a target for my little, slick hands to touch in order for me to figure out how was it that something so beautiful was made. After your lips, I could see your brown eyes cooled with green, containing all the happiness you could ever have, spread through the roots of your eyes, which today I call "iris". Apart from that, there was this shiny, black thing that stretched and shrunk with even the slightest touch of my little fingers.
With time, the first face I ever saw in my life, became also the most beautiful one. It became a shelter and a solution for all the problems i didn't know how to solve yet, and I was taught to call it "mother" ( or "mum"). And to me, that was always your name: I used to hear all the other children call "mumy" or some teenagers call theirs by their real name, but i looked at you, smiled on the inside, even when you were mad, and suddenly I would release, from my deepest depths of myself, coming from my first blink, a low "Muuuuum!".
Nowadays you nag me, you draw my attention so I don't get drawn away from what you have always taught me, you give me strong hugs when i need them and comfort me in this world that becomes unbearable, sometimes. I know that, even if I mess up, you will always blush with pride, I know that you are happy to have me, my brother and my sister and today I write this text for you, for a special reason: I know that when you wake up in the morning you are going to look all around the "Facebook" for another text and I want you to know that, even if you cry after reading all of this, I want you to have one of the happiest days of your life and that you're always going to be the most beautiful person in the world, at least to four people in the world!
Kisses, Mum!